Muhabbat e Ilahi By Maulana Zulfiqar Ahmad Naqshbandi

Posted by | Muzammil Azmi

Muhabbat e Ilahi

Muhabbat e Ilahi By Maulana Zulfiqar Ahmad Naqshbandi محبت الہی

The inclination of nature toward something sweet is known as love. Divine love is the closeness to Allah and His adoration. Muhabbat e Ilahi, The word”love” is derived from the word “habu” which means an area that is filled with lots of water. And believers don’t like anyone as much as Allah.

محبت الہی

The word “love” is used to describe the passion that is pure and the bond which is created between the person who is the lover and the one whom he loves.

Book/Title Muhabbt e Ilahi
Author/Writer Maulana Zulfiqar Ahmad Naqshbandi
Category Book
Part 1 / جلد ایک
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