Hamesha Sach Boliye By Maulana Asif Naseem

Posted by | Muzammil Azmi

Hamesha Sach Boliye

Hamesha Sach Boliye By Maulana Asif Naseem ہمیشہ سچ بولیے

Truth has always been valued in every religion and era, and it is an essential aspect of humanity. Islamic law recognizes the importance of truth and emphasizes it. Hamesha Sach Boliye, The benefits of truthfulness are great, as a person who always speaks the truth and avoids lies can experience these blessings.

ہمیشہ سچ بولیے – از مولانا آصف نسیم

On the other hand, falsehood has severe consequences, and both the liar and those affected by their lies can suffer its harmful effects. Lies are lethal, and their dangers will be explained further.

Book/Title Hamesha Sach Bolye
Author/Writer Maulana Asif Naseem
Category Book
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