Fazail ul Amaal By Shykh Muhammad bin Abdul Wahid Al Maqdisi

Posted by | Muzammil Azmi

Fazail ul Amaal

Fazail ul Amaal Urdu By Shykh Muhammad bin Abdul Wahid Al Maqdisi فضائل الاعمال اردو

Virtuous acts are an essential element of the religion. The encouragement and support in the application of Islamic rules is a requirement to be encouraged in Islam itself. Fazail ul Amaal, Hadiths filled with virtues, that have their roots in virtue have been given this title. Allah’s Messenger was also granted the names to Bashir as well as Nazir within the Holy Qur’an. At first, the two magazines were amalgamated and were given the title Tablighi Nisab.

فضائل الاعمال اردو

Jurists and scholars have written various books on the subject throughout different times. Lateron, Tablighi Nisab’s name was discarded and replaced by virtues. Virtues-based actions gained popularity quickly.

Book/Title Fazail ul Amal
Author/Writer Shykh Muhammad bin Abdul Wahid Al Maqdisi
Pages 450
Category Book
Part 1 / حصہ اول
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