Darhi ka Wujoob By Maulana Zakariya Kandhalvi

Posted by | Muzammil Azmi

Darhi ka Wujoob

Darhi ka Wujoob By Maulana Zakariya Kandhalvi داڑھی کا وجوب / داڑھی کی اسلامی حیثیت

Beards are an expression of Sunnah of all Prophets, the symbol of Muslims and is one of the physical and natural attributes of an individual. Darhi ka Wujoob, The beard is a long, slender line that runs from the temples, to the jaws, sidesburns and the chin, and its top portion is located between the ear and cheeks.

داڑھی کا وجوب / داڑھی کی اسلامی حیثیت – از مولانا زکریا کاندھلوی

In Islam there is a definite and a stout requirement for men to wear beards. Beards is the Islamic symbol of Muslims.

Book/Title Darhi ka Wujob
Author/Writer Maulana Zakariya Kandhalvi
Category Book
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