Darhi Aur Anbiya ki Sunnaten By Mufti Saeed Ahmad Palanpuri

Posted by | Muzammil Azmi

Darhi Aur Anbiya ki Sunnaten

Darhi Aur Anbiya ki Sunnaten By Maulana Mufti Saeed Ahmad Palanpuri ڈاڑھی اور انبیاءؑ کی سنتیں

The beard is considered to be the sunnah of all Prophets Peace be upon him. Keeping beards are also supported in Jewish and Christian faiths. Even in the Bible that is now distorted that it is a requirement to maintain beards. Darhi Aur Anbiya ki Sunnaten, The hair growing on the cheeks and chins of men who are mature is referred to as a beard. It is typically considered to be a sign of puberty.

ڈاڑھی اور انبیاءؑ کی سنتیں – از مولانا مفتی سعید احمد پالنپوری

shaving the beard is a sexy act and is actually an act of haram and masla, similar to when a woman cuts her hair it’s prohibited as a masla and takes away the beauty of a woman. In the same manner, if one cuts his beard it’s also considered a Masla. It ruins the masculine glory.

Book/Title Darhi Aur Anbeya ki Sunnaten
Author/Writer Maulana Mufti Saeed Ahmad Palanpuri
Category Book
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