Aun ul Khabir Urdu Sharh Al Faoz ul Kabir By Sufi Abdul Hameed

Posted by | Muzammil Azmi

Aun ul Khabir

Aun ul Khabir Urdu Sharh Al Faoz ul Kabir By Sufi Abdul Hameed Sawati عون الخبیر اردو شرح الفوز الکبیر

Aun ul Khabir Sharh al-Fawz al-Kabeer Fi Usul al-Tafseer” provides a fascinating commentary on the Usul Tafseer by the Qur’an commentator Hazrat Maulana Swati. This is a fact. Before Shah Sahib’s unique work, there wasn’t a detailed book on the subject in subcontinent.

عون الخبیر اردو شرح الفوز الکبیر

Al-Fawz al-Kabeer fi Usul al-Tafseer imam of India Hazrat Shahwaliullah Muhaddith dehlavi is an well-known and widely-read general Arabic work on the Usul Tafseer. It was published under the title “Aun Al-Khabir” in 2005 with 713 pages. It has arrived.

Book/Title Aun ul Khaber Urdu Sharh Al Faoz ul Kabir
Author/Writer Sufi Abdul Hameed Sawati
Category Book
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