Zikr e Ijtimai wa Jahri By Mufti Raza ul Haq

Posted by | Muzammil Azmi

Zikr e Ijtimai wa Jahri

Zikr e Ijtimai wa Jahri By Mufti Raza ul Haq ذکر اجتماعی و جہری

While it is best to recite aloud in a quiet place, it is not recommended. However, it is permissible to recite the Shariat-iMutahira in a group voice. Zikr e Ijtimai wa Jahri, The Shari’ah dhikr does not provide any proof. However, it is quite common to gather and recite aloud together.

ذکر اجتماعی و جہری

This is incorrect to consider as an absolute bid’ah because it has been proven by the original hadith.

Book/Title Zikr e Ijtimai wa Jahre
Author/Writer Mufti Raza ul Haq
Category Book
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