Tafseer e Ibn e Abbas [R.A] By Muhammad Bin Yaqoob Al Shirazi

Posted by | Muzammil Azmi

Tafseer e Ibn e Abbas

Tafseer e Ibn e Abbas [R.A] By Muhammad Bin Yaqoob Al Shirazi تفسیر ابن عباسؓ

As I found out about the existence of a Sahabi who claimed to have a hadith about his Messenger of Allah who is Allah’s Messenger, may God be with him, and give him peace I would go to his house in the afternoon around when it was Qailullah. Tafseer e Ibn e Abbas, This Holy Quran is a book that marks the beginning of humans up to when the day of Judgment.

تفسیر ابن عباسؓ

He was Abdullah and his surname was Abul Abbas. It is believed that the Holy Qur’an is a book that provides guidance to all people It also is the most popular book in the world.

Book/Title Tafser e Ibn e Abbas [R.A]
Author/Writer Muhammad Bin Yaqoob Al Shirazi
Category Book
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Part 1 / جلد ایک
Part 2 / جلد دو
Part 3 / جلد تین


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