Tafheem ul Quran fi Shahr e Ramzan

Posted by | Muzammil Azmi

Tafheem ul Quran fi Shahr e Ramzan

Tafheem ul Quran fi Shahr e Ramzan By Maulana Sanaullah Saad Shuja Abadi تفہیم القرآن فی شہر رمضان

Choose any area of Islamic studies, and you’ll be able to find the fundamental issues within it. Ramadan is the period during when it was that the Qur’an was revealed, providing guideline and direction for people. Tafheem ul Quran fi Shahr e Ramzan, It also (contains) explicit phrases of judgment. Ramadan was the month during when it was that the Qur’an was revealed as an all-encompassing guideline for humanity.

تفہیم القرآن فی شہر رمضان

Everyone who finds themselves in this month to be fasting should do so or if you are sick or going on a trip should not fast for the same amount of days.

Book/Title Tafhem ul Quran fi Shahr e Ramzan
Author/Writer Maulana Sanaullah Saad Shuja Abadi
Category Book
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