Pur Asrar Azhdaha aur Jannati Lathi By Maulana Arsalan Bin Akhtar

Posted by | Muzammil Azmi

Pur Asrar Azhdaha aur Jannati Lathi

Pur Asrar Azhdaha aur Jannati Lathi By Maulana Arsalan Bin Akhtar پراسرار اژدھا اور جنتی لاٹھی

Pur Asrar Azhdaha aur Jannati Lathi, This is a reference to the stick, which was the sacred stick for Hazrat Musa (peace be on him) that is known as “Asa-i Musa”. The staff was made from that of Paradise tree. It was carried through Hazrat Adam (peace be upon him) from Paradise and was passed through many prophets before arriving at Hazrat Musa (peace be upon him). The staff was 10 cubits long , equal to the size of Hazrat Musa (peace be upon his soul).).

پراسرار اژدھا اور جنتی لاٹھی – از مولانا ارسلان بن اختر

This staff was about 10 yards long and was equipped with two branches that glowed even in darkness. The history of this sacred stick is extremely long that has covered numerous historical events that have seen thousands of signs of learning and advice shine like stars.

Book/Title Pur Asrar Azhdha aur Jannati Lathi
Author/Writer Maulana Arsalan Bin Akhtar
Category Book
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