Khidmat e Walidain By Maulana Imdadullah Anwar

Posted by | Muzammil Azmi

Khidmat e Walidain

Khidmat e Walidain By Maulana Imdadullah Anwar خدمت والدین

It is the obligation of children to serve and treat their parents with kindness, even if they are non-believers or polytheists who persist in their disbelief and idolatry. Khidmat e Walidain, Allah Ta’ala has emphasized the importance of respecting and honoring parents, stating that if either or both of them reach old age in your company, do not even utter the word “uff” to them, nor rebuke them, but address them with respect and kindness.

خدمت والدین – از مولانا امداد اللہ انور

The Holy Quran contains several injunctions to treat parents well. The service and obedience of parents is a means to attain heaven, and they are referred to as “the gate of heaven.”

Book/Title Khidmat e Waledain
Author/Writer Maulana Imdadullah Anwar
Category Book
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