Diwan al Mutanabbi

Posted by | Muzammil Azmi

Diwan al Mutanabbi

Diwan al Mutanabbi – دیوان المتنبی

Abu al-Tayyib al-Mutanabbi, one of the greatest Arab poets, authored the outstanding book “Diwan al-Mutanabi.” This work has been appreciated worldwide, as there are speakers and scholars of the Arabic language in every region of the globe. Al-Mutanabbi possessed exceptional mastery of the language and a profound understanding of its origins and rules. Given that the Holy Quran, the final message of Allah to humanity, is written in Arabic, learning and teaching Arabic language and literature is both a religious and human necessity.

دیوان المتنبی

People believed that he delighted in the company of jinn who inspired his poetry, making him a wonder. The influence of Arabic language on Indian languages is significant due to the long-standing Arab-Indian relations. India has maintained a connection with Arabic language throughout history.

Book/Title Diwan al Mutanabi
Author/Writer Maulana Zulfiqar Ali
Category Book
Meer Muhammad
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Maktaba Haqqania
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