Deeni o Asri Darsgahen Taleemi Masail

Posted by | Muzammil Azmi

Deeni o Asri Darsgahen Taleemi Masail

Deeni o Asri Darsgahen Taleemi Masail By Maulana Khalid Saifullah Rahmani دینی و عصری درسگاہیں تعلیمی مسائل

Importance of contemporary and religious education and action plan for the education system and curriculum Madrasas. Deeni o Asri Darsgahen Taleemi Masail, It is obvious for anyone with any sense of wisdom and intelligence that education is among the greatest human necessities and is among the most important spiritual virtues.

دینی و عصری درسگاہیں تعلیمی مسائل – از مولانا خالد سیف اللہ رحمانی

It is the primary faith of the followers in Islam to be guided by God’s revelation in all aspects in their life, both individual and collective , as well as social as well as personal. their success in the world and well-being and even the future is dependent on the following of the heavenly doctrines.

Book/Title Deeni o Asri Darsgahen Talemi Masail
Author/Writer Maulana Khalid Saifullah Rahmani
Category Book
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