Dastoor e Islam / Nizam e Islam By Maulana Muhammad Idrees Kandhalvi

Posted by | Muzammil Azmi

Dastoor e Islam Nizam e Islam

Dastoor e Islam / Nizam e Islam By Maulana Muhammad Idrees Kandhalvi دستور اسلام مع نظام اسلام

Islam is both a perfect religion, and a complete way to live. Islam is a religion that emphasizes individual reform, but also lays out golden principles for collective living. Dastoor e Islam Nizam e Islam, Modern educated people demand that Islam creates flexibility for a long period.

دستور اسلام مع نظام اسلام

As Islam has its own economic system and its economic principles just like Islam does with politics, so too does Islam have its own government and political system.

Book/Title Dastoor e Islam / Nezam e Islam
Author/Writer Maulana Muhammad Idrees Kandhalvi
Category Book
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