Credit Card Ka Taruf Aur Fiqhi Jaiza By Mufti Arif Mahmood

Posted by | Muzammil Azmi

Credit Card Ka Taruf Aur Fiqhi Jaiza

Credit Card Ka Taruf Aur Fiqhi Jaiza By Mufti Arif Mahmood کریڈٹ کارڈ کا تعارف اور فقہی جائزہ

Credit cards are small, plastic card that is used by credit cards and banks as a method of payment for consumers . It is issued by companies. Credit Card Ka Taruf Aur Fiqhi Jaiza, The book in the review “Shariah Rulings of Various Bank Issued Cards” is published by Islamic Fiqh Academy India.

کریڈٹ کارڈ کا تعارف اور فقہی جائزہ – از مفتی عارف محمود

Credit card use is not permitted in normal circumstances. However it is permitted to send money from outside the country, or for those living outside of the country and living outside the country, there is no alternative that is not credit card-based for purchases and other purchases. The funds must be deposited prior to the due date, and there is no interest due in the event of a delays.

Book/Title Credit Card Ka Taruf Aur Feqhi Jaiza
Author/Writer Mufti Arif Mahmood
Category Book
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