Bank se Jari Honay Walay Mukhtalif Card Kay Shari Ahkam

Posted by | Muzammil Azmi

Bank Card Kay Shari Ahkam

Bank se Jari Honay Walay Mukhtalif Card Kay Shari Ahkam By Maulana Khalid Saifullah Rahmani بینک سے جاری ہونے والے مختلف کارڈ کے شرعی احکام

Bank Card Kay Shari Ahkam, The use of credit cards that is not necessary for the card is not permitted, since it requires the signing of an agreement. It is legal to create an account and then use a credit card by using it, one is able to purchase as much as the balance that is in his account.

بینک سے جاری ہونے والے مختلف کارڈ کے شرعی احکام – از مولانا خالد سیف اللہ رحمانی

Both kinds of ATM card is permissible under Shariah, any illegal contract or work must be carried out with the card. The use of a credit card for trading and buying with it isn’t legal since the basis for the issue being halal and haram is the actual agreement which is concluded between the two parties.

Book/Title Bank se Jari Honay Walay Mukhtalif Card Kay Shari Ahkam
Author/Writer Maulana Khalid Saifullah Rahmani
Category Book
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