Al Amsal wal Alwan fil Quran By Mufti Abdul Mateen

Posted by | Muzammil Azmi

Al Amsal wal Alwan

Al Amsal wal Alwan fil Quran By Mufti Abdul Mateen الامثال و الالوان فی القرآن

The Holy Qur’an can be described as a book that teaches and teaches, a guidebook and reform book, and is not just a book full of commands. Al Amsal wal Alwan, We can also find a way to solve all problems, deal with all difficulties, and set a path for society.

الامثال و الالوان فی القرآن

The seeing and hearing are equal, just like the teams of blind and deaf people. For example, if you recall comparing unbelievers to blind and deaf, the sighting and hearing teams are believers, so are they equal?

Book/Title Al Amsaal wal Alwan fil Quran
Author/Writer Mufti Abdul Mateen
Category Book
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